Nature Park House Großsölk Castle...

The historic house was built in the 14th century and has always had an important function for the old trade routes over the Sölk Pass.

Until the 17th century, the castle belonged to the respective rulers, who finally sold it to the Jesuit order in 1617. After the dissolution of the order, the house became a parsonage and since 1998 the castle has been the seat of the Nature Park House.

It is the first nature park house in Austria and houses the exhibition "Natura Mirabilis", which is well worth seeing. Afterwards you can take a relaxing walk through the Jesuit garden in the inner courtyard of Großsölk Castle.




  • Good weather
  • Bad weather
  • Barrier-free
  • Summer
  • Familyfriendly


Nature Park House Großsölk Castle...
8961, Großsölk 55
  • Visit website
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